Course for professionals


The course for professionals is an online inspirational and instructional training tailored for media professionals, structured into “nano modules.” These modules enable them to engage with the new NewsArcade editorial methodology in brief, digestible segments amidst their daily newsroom tasks. The primary objective is to assist news creators in gamifying their news stories and seamlessly integrating them into our Content Management System (CMS) for publishing. The course comprises of nine distinct modules, each presented in concise video formats ranging from 1 to 5 minutes. Through the nine comprehensive modules, participants are introduced to various aspects of NewsArcade, from its unique user experience and the critical need for new audience engagement strategies to the specifics of gamifying news stories and addressing the preferences of GenZ. These modules are publicly accessible via the NewsArcade YouTube Channel. By providing these modules, we aim to equip media professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively use the NewsArcade platform, thus enhancing their ability to engage and inform their audiences in a dynamic and interactive manner.

Video tutorials

1. NewsArcade: Seriously play the news

This module introduces NewsArcade, detailing its appearance, functionality, and the enhanced user experience it offers. Viewers will understand why NewsArcade provides a superior platform for engaging with news content.

2. The burning platform for publishers

This segment addresses the urgent need for publishers to discover new methods of audience engagement on digital platforms. It elucidates how utilizing NewsArcade can benefit publishers by attracting and retaining their digital audience.

3. Meet GenZ – the picky media users

This module explores the characteristics of the upcoming generation of media consumers and their preferences for digital content engagement. It provides insights into how NewsArcade meets the unique needs of GenZ users.

4. Alternative news values but conventional truth

In this video, the focus is on maintaining quality journalism based on fact-checked and curated information while aligning news values to meet GenZ expectations.

5. Themes and topics fit for interactive news stories

NewsArcade represents a new journalistic genre, not suitable for all themes and topics. This module offers editorial guidance to optimize storytelling within the NewsArcade framework.

6. How to gamify a story

This segment provides the foundational principles for creating interactive news experiences, contrasting them with traditional storytelling techniques. Watch the video.

7. The unique NewsArcade flow

This video showcases how to conceptually craft a NewsArcade experience before delving into technical details.

8. The technical stuff

This module is tailored for those who prefer a tutorial approach, covering essential CMS operations, including page types and tagging. While the intro and outro of this module has been recorded in the studio, part of the module contains screencasts of the actual NewsArcade CMS.

9. News avoiders vs. literates

The final module discusses the importance of cultivating news literacy among younger generations to sustain serious journalism. It highlights how NewsArcade can help reduce the number of news avoiders.