Meet our Advisors

NewsArcade has a clear goal in mind: bringing together journalism and news consumption closely by means of gamification, creating a new format and necessary tools. And to achieve this we have set up a two-year plan. But much was not known at the start of our journey and we already had to take many important decisions along the day. For instance balancing the needs of the casual news consumers with those of educators (more on this in a future post).


To guide us and make sure the project stays relevant the project benefits from the active involvement of an Advisory Board comprised of distinguished experts from various fields and organisations.  While we started out with 4 members, we have enlarged it to 6 during the first months of the project. In selecting the members we aimed for balance and diversity. So, who are the external experts advising us?


Involving the Advisory Board


At the start of the year the NewsArcade consortium met with the Advisory Board members virtually. While individual discussions had been ongoing before, it was the first time that all members were present in the same meeting. At that point in the project we had just finished the research that led to the initial design brief of NewsArcade. So, following a round of introductions and an overview of the project, the design options for the gamified news format were explained. The vast know-how and expertise of the Board became evident during the very interactive discussion which helped shape the final version of the design brief (which you can check for yourself on our website here:


The Advisors continued to follow the project and got to provide feedback again just as the first prototype was launched.  We involved our Advisors in an evaluation workshop to help us answer important questions about the NewsArcade Minimum Viable Product. Their advice during this session was indeed very appreciated as it complemented well the insights gained from journalists, young people and educators.


Follow the project more closely too!


The Advisory Board members are engaged with the project partners also in a Linked-in group and Linked-in Page. You too could join this professional network and get to know us better and gain more insights into the latest work we carry out to mix gamification and news. Or stay up to date with our news by following us on X (@NewsArcade).