News Values

The Copenhagen Criteria – 7 global news values for GenZ

What makes a story newsworthy? At World News Media Congress 2024 in Copenhagen, 12 delegates met a full day with 70 students from International People’s College to answer the question. 

In a workshop they examined the student’s media preferences and shared perspectives across generations as a baseline to revise the traditional news values. Some were preserved, while others were renewed to a list of seven: 

  • Educational – show us news that helps us learn and understand more about relevant topics
  • Empowering – show us news that encourages us and provides tools to take action based on informed decisions
  • G-local – show us how global events impact us locally and vice versa
  • Human – show us diverse representation through personal experiences, that evoke empathy, compassion and inspiration
  • Impactful – show us events that affect numerous people and influence us or those involved
  • Objective – show us fact-based news, unbiased and from different perspectives
  • Timely – show us current news and prioritize ongoing events

News values are essential factors in the algorithm of NewsArcade. Read more about the topic in this research paper from Southern University of Denmark 

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The Copenhagen Criteria

News Values in NewsArcade

News values play also a big role in the NewsArcade applications. We do not yet use the The Copenhagen Criteria presented above but rely on a list of more traditional news values.